Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Meeting of the Minds

If you did not know already what "Meeting of the Minds" were well about to now.  It is a week long event devoted to Jimmy Buffet and his music.  This officially starts tomorrow and centers around Margaritaville on the 500 block of  Duval Street.  It is always a great time with awesome drinks and food.  Remember they have one of the best Bartender / Servers on the Island so ask for Rikki Bobby when there.  This guy will have you laughing your ass off the whole time there.

I am so happy to see we had a great fantasy fest this year.  I am even more happier to see some business around town not do so well and hate to say that.  Let me explain please so I don't sound like a dick.  We as a people should respect one another and not try to shit on each other.  Here's one example the Mad Rooster is located in the heart of all the action this weekend.  They might as well have been closed with the business they had...  The two owners have been involved in some shady deals and have not done right by people.  This is called KARMA and is real!!  The I have built it they will come mentality does not work in this world we are in today..  You have to give a great product with great customer service which they do not all...  Okay that is enough for today and for who ever reads this please send me picture and bio will post up on the blog.  My goal is to bring people together.

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Day After

It's official Fantasy Fest is over and thank God lol.  I think can sleep until next week haven't seen that many people here in years.  We want to thank everyone for coming and making it a success.  So many great costumes and naked people in body paint.  If you have any great pictures please send them to me and will post here on the blog.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday of Fantasy Fest

It's Friday of Fantasy Fest and things are heating up.  All week has been parties and events.  They say will be around 150 thousand people here on our island.  That is huge since we are only 2 miles by 4 miles island. I want to see everyone out and if your female join everyone at the body painting booth.  We have pictures coming up Monday of this event.

If your drunk don't be a dick and respect others.  Also plan ahead there are many people on the island and taxi's will more likely have a hour delay.  So might be smart to rent a scooter??

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Fantasy Fest Wednesday

Last night was a great night even though it rained off and on.  We had the Red Party at Fogarty's and Redneck Party at Lazy Gecko both was awesome and raised money for AIDS research.  So many people out and overall having a great time.  So at the Red Party looked almost everyone was in costume.  Mainly the girls were dressed up in Victoria Secret's outfits to sexy nurses well just plain sexy.  Over at the Redneck Party we had Daisy Dukes to the farmer daughter running wild and was awesome.  This has to be one of the best overall we have had to date.  Just think the parade isn't until Saturday night.  If your close must come down and enjoy what this time has to offer.

Now for the segment we call "Stay the Hell away from"
Stay away from the 900 block of Duval this area is not safe and full of shady bars and people. For example McConnell's Irish Pub. This place if the food does not kill you the service will.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tuesday Fantasy Fest

Like I said yesterday go to www.fantasyfest.com for all the events.  It is heating up and crazy here on the streets of Duval.  The body painters are out everyone is in costumes already and standing room only where ever we go.  We have been throwing this party for 33 years now to help AIDS research and have been very successful with it.  Hope to see you all out and taking part for a great cause.  Remember the 200 block to 600 block can not go wrong with strolling by.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Fantasy Fest Begins!!! Hell Yeah!!!

For all those who do not know Fantasy Fest is like Mardi Gras on Steroids...  Officially begun this weekend with the kick off to the Goombay Festival.  We had the Zombie Bike ride yesterday that ended at
Fogarty's.  Today we have so many events going on to mention best visit www.fantasyfest.com for details.  All the fun is still around the 200 block of Duval Street.  I would stay away from the 900 block of Duval Street not really a great place to be.  Also if here please do not get duped by the con women of the "The Adult Club".  They are nothing but rip off artist who prey on tourist.  I want everyone to have a great time so add a comment with any questions.  Here are some pics of the weekend.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tuesday October 16th 2012

Okay said it enough Tuesday is Euro Night at the Bottle Cap on Simonton Street!!  So lets talk about other activities going on today.  There will be a couple of great one man bands and duos' at the Smoking Tuna and Lazy Gecko at 9 pm.  If you can make plans to come down this weekend Goombay Festival starts this weekend and kicks off Fantasy Fest hell yeah.  If you have not been to one yet go on you tube and look it up.

Now for my new segment called Bitch session:  I want to know how Mcconnell's Irish Bar on the 900 Block is still in business??  This owner is 57 years old has been arrested for assaulting his employees.  Just now got arrested for assualting  on a cop among other felony charges.  He let his girlfriend take the DUI for him a real man!!!  This guy shows up at a little girls baptism reception at noon on a Sunday so drunk his girlfriend and him could not stand up!!  Therefore the cops had to me called (FYI it was a Irish community event so tells you how drunk he was).  This is a ticking time bomb and needs to be addressed before this guy drives drunk and kills someone.  

Monday, October 15, 2012


It's Monday and the has been a great weekend for all of us here in Key West.  The 200 to 500 blocks of Duval Street were alive and kicking.  Tonight is football night and suggest everyone go to Jack Flat's or JDL's to watch the game both have great food and enough tvs' so everyone can see.  Also remember Goombay starts this weekend and which kicks off Fantasy Fest hell yeah!!  If you don't know Fantasy Fest is like Mardi Gras on Steroids.....  Also will tell you a few places to avoid like the plague.  First one will tell you is Mcconnell Bar horrible food and service!!  Also avoid the Tshirt shops around the 200 block of Duval they are rip offs and cheap materials.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday in Key West

Hell Yeah it's Friday in Key West are you ready for a great weekend.  Almost all the places here have their doors open if not a whole wall exposed.  This makes it great for a person to walk by to see and hear if they want to go in.  Also makes for huge crowds standing in the streets outside dancing and basically having fun.  We will be in full force tonight on the 200 block of Duval Street so this is where you want to be!!  Just to remind everyone will start sending out video of our daily adventures starting October 19th.  Which everyone knows is the day Fantasy Fest starts so get ready.  If your here please stop by and see Rikki Bobby at Margaritaville I love this guy and he is awesome!!!  I never laugh so hard while eating lunch or dinner!!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Key West Thurday's

So it's Thursday here in Key West and the weather is awesome today.  The temperature is in the mid 70's and loving it.  We have a lot of people in town today some came early to party and others getting a jump on Stone Crab season.  What ever your reason may be glad to have you here.  So it's a must on a day like to today if not on the water for you to stop by Margaritaville ask for Rikki Bobby and try the new menu they have.  Then walk down Duval Street take in the shops.  Must book yourself  a sunset cruise and enjoy the atmosphere the sunset and water brings.  After which go downtown and start enjoying all the nightlife Key West has to offer. Everyone get ready soon we will be bringing daily videos of Fantasy Feat coming up the 18th thru 28th of this month.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Long Weekend

Okay the holiday weekend is over and man was there a lot of people in town.  If you weren't here hoped you got out on the water and enjoyed yourself.

Friday, October 5, 2012

It's Friday

It's Friday and you know what that means here in Key West, Florida.  Time to take off work and enjoy some sun and water today.  Then head out tonight for some drinks and great music.  This should not be hard to find around the 200 block of Duval Street.  The band Durt Bags who are sponsored by Jager will be playing at Durty Harry's below Ricks tonight.  So Hope to see everyone out tonight and remember go to Margaritaville and say hello to Rikki Bobby!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Euro Night

Its Tuesday and so means Euro Night at Bottle Cap on Simonton Street.  I suggest lunch at Margaritaville on Duval Street tell them Rikki Bobbi sent you.  Then walk around all the shops and enjoy a sunset cruise on one of  sail ships.  Then eat at the Grand Cafe before heading over to Euro Night.  Please give me feed back on anyone going out tonight or has been to Key West before??